The Gratitude Box

The Gratitude Box

I found a surprise upon coming home after work one day. In my mailbox was a special present from my best friend. It was a gratitude box; a small decorative box that held little pieces of festive paper with handwritten notes. I spent the next hour reminiscing and enjoying the memories we had created together.

In the box were messages like this...

gratitudebox-2“Juli, thank you for making me laugh so much, you have wonderful [sitcom] stories and a great sense of humor!”

“Thank you for sharing exciting new insights from the Lord!”

“Thank you for pumping gas in my car for me”

“Thank you Juli for being a Proverbs 27:17 friend who encourages “Sharpens” - I am so grateful for the truth you have spoken to & over me!”

gratitudebox-3Some memories were serious, some fun, some sentimental, but all came from a grateful heart and described the essence of the friendship we have together.

This was one of the best and most precious presents I have ever received. I love it because it came from a grateful heart. The sentiments inside were real, and honest. They overflowed out of a precious relationship. This gift meant more to me than any gift one could buy.

Each time I grab my gratitude box and settle in to rediscover the treasures inside I rejoice in our friendship and thank the Lord for someone like Megan, who truly is a friend and sister in Christ. The Lord sent her to bless and encourage me. She is truly a gift from Him and I am so grateful for the blessing she is in my life!

“A friend loves at all times” ( Proverbs 17:17a ).


Juli Camarin

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