Bible Chapter Summaries
One of my goals is to provide short summaries for each book of the Bible. Here is a list of the chapter summaries I have written. Check back regularly as I will be adding to this list.
Romans Summary
The book of Roman is a masterfully written exposition on grace. Paul wrote this letter to Christians to explain his revelation of grace.
Ephesians Summary
The book of Ephesians is a beautiful revelation of our spiritual blessings in Christ. Everything hidden was revealed when Christ came.
Colossians Summary
The book of Colossians is an important look into the mystery of Christ, hidden for generations and now disclosed to the saints, which is Christ in you!
2 Thessalonians Summary
Paul writes to the believers to encourage them during trials and persecution. He clarifies misconceptions about the coming Day of the Lord.
2 Timothy Summary
Paul writes to encourage Timothy to be strong in grace, steadfast in doctrine, as well as giving a warning about the coming days of apostasy or godlessness..
Philemon Summary
This letter is a personal appeal for forgiveness by Paul to Philemon, a brother in Christ to forgive & restore Onesimus a runaway slave.
James Summary
James is about the relationship between faith & works, emphasizing that we are justified by faith but it is expressed through works of faith.
2 Peter Summary
The book of 2 Peter was written to expose false teachers and encourage believers to be on guard against destructive doctrines.
2 John Summary
John instructs to remaining faithful to the fundamentals of Christianity and gives instructions about discernment when showing hospitality.
Galatians Summary
The book of Galatians is a call for freedom from the law. Paul reminds that faith in Jesus is the only means to be justified, not the law.
Philippians Summary
The book of Philippians is an intimate letter full of love and encouragement for believers and a great example of how to overflow with joy.
1 Thessalonians Summary
In spite of intense suffering this church became a model to believers everywhere as their faith was well known. Why is this?
1 Timothy Summary
The book of 1 Timothy gives practical advice for church leadership. Paul entrusted Timothy with the Ephesus church and gives instructions.
Titus Summary
Titus was written by Paul to Titus, his true son in the faith. His main objective is to encourage & give instruction about goodly living
Hebrews Summary
The book of Hebrews is about Jesus and how He guarantees a new and better covenant of grace. It's essential truth for every Christian.
1 Peter Summary
1 Peter was written by Peter to the church undergoing intense persecution. The main theme is living victoriously in the midst of suffering.
1 John Summary
Written in a black and white style with absolutes, using repetition of similar themes emphasizing the basics of genuine faith.
3 John Summary
John writes to give clear instructions about showing hospitality to those who partner in the truth.