Summary of the Book of 2 Peter
Author: Peter
Date Written: 67-68 AD
Major Theme: To expose false teachers and encourage believers to be on guard against destructive doctrines.
The Apostle Peter wrote this letter near the end of his life; possibly from prison. Tradition says that Peter was martyred by being crucified upside down. This letter was probably written to the same believers addressed in his first epistle to the church. In this letter he is concerned about false teachers infiltrating the believers and introducing destructive heresies as well as immoral behavior. Peter stresses many times that knowledge of our Lord Jesus combats these ideas. He finishes by addressing concerns surrounding the Lords return.
2 Peter 1 - A Sure Salvation
2 Peter 1 opens with a beautiful greeting and reminder that we have been given exceedingly great promises to help us live godly lives and escape the corruption of our world. We are urged to progress in our knowledge of God so that we will be effective and productive. The apostle Peter reminds that he was an eyewitness of Christ’s majesty and was with Him on the sacred mountain confirming the message of Christ, substantiating that all prophecy of scripture has come about by inspiration of the Holy Spirit.
2 Peter 2 - Beware of False Teachers
2 Peter 2 serves as a warning that false prophets and teachers will try to secretly introduce destructive heresies. Peter recounts many stories of how God rescues the righteous while holding the unrighteous for the day of judgement. He warns that false teachers promise freedom but are themselves slaves to depravity. We are warned to be on guard.
2 Peter 3 - The Lords Return
2 Peter 3 starts by clarifying ideas around the Lord’s second coming. Most expected the imminent return of Jesus because of intense persecution. Scoffers were creating controversy because it had not happened. Peter address the reasons and speaks of what will happen to the earth in final days. He closes the letter reminding us to live holy and godly lives looking forward to that day.
As you can see this book is as relevant today as it was in the days of the early church. It is full of practical advice and encouragement. May you be blessed and inspired as you read and study the book of 2 Peter.
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