A Glossary of Biblical Words and Concepts

awanaskidsI grew up going to Awana kid’s club every Wednesday night from the age of 3 or 4 far into my teenage years. My brothers, sister and I spent countless hours, memorizing Scripture verses to recite to our leaders each week. It is a real blessing now to have this arsenal of memory verses ingrained into the recesses of my mind. I recall them frequently and they both encourage and bless me while navigating life.

One of the many other things that I took away from my early years in Awanas was the definition to many words and concepts found in the Bible. I remember having to memorize the meaning of words like propitiation, which at this point in my life makes me smile thinking of a 10 year old learning something like that. Perhaps the understanding of these words didn’t come until later in life, however I am thankful that from an early age I could define them.

I use these words all the time now, while writing this blog. I got to thinking, the other day that I take for granted that people know what these words mean. So I thought I would start a running glossary of terms here, hopefully adding to this list as needed.

Below are the words I’ve known since childhood. They might not be as accurate or defined as completely as if you looked it up in the Vines Dictionary, but below is a simple, easy to understand, childlike definition of the words that hold amazing truth. I pray that as you read or use this as a reference, you will be as blessed as I have been by understanding the amazing things that the Lord has blessed and freely given us through Christ Jesus.

Grace - Undeserved, unearned favor and kindness. It is getting what we do not deserve.

Mercy - Is not getting what we deserve.

Gospel - Good News. (Later in Life I’ve realized that the gospel means the ‘Almost Too Good To Be True News’, but thank Jesus it really is true!)

Faith - Believing in something you can’t see or touch, but you know is real.

Peace - A heart at rest.

Redemption - Purchased by the blood of Christ. Released and delivered from bondage and sin.

Propitiation - A substitute.

Justified - Just as if I’d never sinned.

Justification - Acquitted from guilt and made righteous.

Righteous - In right standing, or relationship, with God. Accepted on the basis of Jesus.

Atonement - Covered and cleansed by the blood of Christ.

I would like to continue adding to this list as I come across additional words. What are some Biblical Words that you would like defined? Do you have a story of learning the meaning to some of the words listed above? I would really enjoy hearing from you!


Juli Camarin

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