A Special Thank You to My Readers!
Today marks a special day for me as I have finished blogging about the book of Hebrews. These past years have been an incredible joy as I have studied and written about these wonderful truths. I have been brought into deeper understanding of the Role of Jesus in our atonement and His eternal role as High Priest. As subscribers to this blog, I pray that you also have experienced a quickening in your spirit that has changed your perspective on God's grace and Hismercy toward you in the person of Jesus Christ. I trust this revelation will change your life.
Thank you so much for all of your emails, comments on blogs and your personal testimonials. The Lord has used each of you to inspire and encourage me while I wrote. Words cannot express how grateful I am to you, my subscribers, who have joined with me in planting the Word in our hearts. May God richly bless you as you seek him, knowing that He promises to reveal himself to those who look. What an amazing promise to hold onto!
I would also like to extend a personal thank you for my dear friend and editor Dave Seawel, who has faithfully served and blessed this ministry for 3 years by editing each and every post. You have an amazing servant's heart I am eternally grateful for everything you do for this ministry.
God Bless,
Juli Camarin
P.S. Stay tuned for Kingdom Principles!