I.dol.eyes—Greed (Video Teaching)
Watch this video teaching by Juli entitled I.dol.eyes—Greed*
Idols are dangerous and demanding, while continually over-promising and under-delivering. Just as idols are good things turned into ultimate things, so the desires they generate become paralyzing and overwhelming. If unchecked, these beliefs magnify ordinary disappointments and failures into life-shattering experiences.
In this teaching, Juli examines the deep idol of greed by showing how the love of money displaces God from His rightful place of worship. Juli unravels the account of Jesus’s temptation by Satan in the desert and explains how He overcame the idol of greed and then revealed to us the one thing that could topple the idols in our lives.
*Juli taught this sermon at Orchard Hill Church on November 15, 2015.
Audio Version
*Audio version is the same as the video.