See.Serve.Speak (Audio Teaching)
Need a New Definition of Evangelism?
Check out this Sunday sermon by Juli entitled, See.Serve.Speak. Juli unpacks the account of the women at the well in John 4, while sharing personal illustrations of evangelism that differ from her preconceived notions growing up. This will help you be prepared to share the good news of Christ Jesus in a natural way with those you encounter.
Scripture: John 4:4-42
Summary: The Good News of the Gospel of Jesus is meant to be shared in powerful and natural ways by all of us who follow Jesus. We can do this in ways that fit with how God wired us. There is no formula, but there are patterns from Jesus’ life that we can emulate. That pattern is found in these three practices: presence, service and words. We should be ready to serve and love in these ways, and then allow the Spirit to guide us as we live our lives in the world.
*Juli taught this sermon at Orchard Hill Church on October 26, 2014.