Be Fair & Right For We Also Have a Master—Colossians 4:1

Be Fair & Right For We Also Have a Master—Colossians 4:1

“Masters, provide your slaves with what is right and fair, because you know that you also have a Master in heaven” (Colossians 4:1)

Several years ago, I was a team lead for my division at work. Before this, I mainly worked alone but as we experienced growth a few people were added to the lineup. One of the individuals under me was opinionated and difficult. He didn’t follow instructions well, never made deadlines and frequently spent most of his time on items that were small percentage of the entire project. This frustrated me.

Being young and inexperienced with leading, I didn’t handle the situation well. I tended to avoid hard conversations, which continually stressed our work relationship. I would set deadlines and assign duties but never managed to get him on the same page so the results were anger, frustration and resentment on my part. This of course affected the way I treated him and he eventually resigned.

Treat Others Right & Fair

Everyone is accountable to someone. Even when you are the boss, we still have a master in heaven. This should be our incentive to treat others fair and right, especially when we are in a position over them.

Even in the Old Testament God gave certain rules about how to treat servants. They were to be treated fairly as hired men not property (Leviticus 25:43, 53). Showing His true heart for redemption, God set up a system where servants (who had indentured themselves because of poverty) were freed during the year of Jubilee (Leviticus 25:39-43).

While this type of servanthood is no longer a part of our society, the principle remains true. Our conduct with those who work for or around us should be guided by the fact that we also have a master in heaven who treats us better than we deserve. That should be the incentive to treat others better than they deserve also.

Treat Others Right & Fair—Especially when It’s Hard!

While my first attempt with this was an epic fail, I am in the process of learning to apply this principle. Difficult people or situations do not nullify our responsibility to be good, honest and caring employers. In the same way that we are to serve wholeheartedly as if serving the Lord himself (Col. 3:17, 23-24), this is how we should  also lead, wholeheartedly as if unto the Lord.

Whatever we do, it is the Lord Jesus we are serving. This should be our guiding principle when dealing with others. Let’s see them as He sees them and treat accordingly.

Time to Reflect...

Think of a time when you were treated unfairly from a supervisor—how does this motivate you to apply this truth of treating others right and fair?


Juli Camarin

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