In All Things God Works for the Good—Romans 8:28

"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose" (Romans 8:28)

In today's passage, Paul is encouraging us that when we join with the Holy Spirit in intercession we can be confident that everything will work together for good. This is because God is a partner in our labor. As we work together, the Spirit intercedes for us and we release His power to operate on our behalf. Since this power works in accordance with God's will for our life, His will for his church and his will on the earth, we can rest assured that good will come out of it no matter what the circumstances are.

But notice that for good to result there is a few prerequisites to this statement. First of all Paul is tying this back to his previous statement about our active involvement in intercession with the Holy Spirit. When we pray, the Spirit intercedes for us, searches our hearts and makes supplication to God on our behalf. To do this is an act of faith, however reminding ourselves, when we pray, that all things work together for good helps will help us step out in faith and partner with the Holy Spirit making intercession.

Secondly, for all things to work together for good, we must love God. This wonderful promise does not extend to everyone. This amazing promise is for those who love God. Love is not a passive thing, love is an action. John reminded us to show our love, "Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth" ( I John 3:18 ). Love is more than a feeling, love propels us to do as the Lord directs. Love is what drove God to send Jesus to die for us. So, in the same way, for all things to work together for good we must love God and be willing to go and do as he directs.

Lastly, for all things to work together for good, we must be called according to his purpose. No matter what circumstances come our way, God is able to make all grace abound. When we are operating in God's will then we can be confident that He will work it out in the midst of the situation. We can know what God's will is by finding this expression in His word. The Bible is full of His desire for you and for His church. We can also find God's specific will for your life by listening to the Holy Spirit. He will guide and direct you in all things. When we know and operate in this will then we can be confident in the good that will result.

We have been called into a wonderful partnership with the Lord. As His church we are His footprint in the world today. We have been commissioned and set apart for this specific purpose. We can know God's will for our lives and we can operate in accordance to that will through the power of the Holy Spirit. As we do this, we can constantly remind ourselves, "... that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose" ( Romans 8:28 ). Today I praise God through Jesus that we have this sweet and precious promise to cling to in this midst of trials. I praise God that he partners with us to do wonderful works upon this earth. I am so thankful that God is able to bring about good in all things. May this revelation bless you today, Amen!


Previous: Romans 8:27  Next: Romans 8:29

Juli Camarin

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