The Full Measure of the Blessing of Christ—Romans 15:29
"I know that when I come to you, I will come in the full measure of the blessing of Christ" (Romans 15:29)
Can you imagine reading these words from the Apostle Paul knowing he was planning to come visit your town? Would you be excited to hear him preach and see the demonstration of power by the Holy Spirit as miracles were performed? Reading these words that Paul wrote to this church, "I know that when I come to you, I will come in the full measure of the blessing of Christ", must have created anticipation that was unmatched by any other event for these believers.
Paul was confident and bold in what he wrote. But just as Paul wrote many times, "Let him who boasts boast in the Lord" ( I Corinthians 1:31, II Corinthians 10:17 ), Paul's confidence stemmed out of relationship to the Lord Jesus, knowing that what was accomplished was done by God. He wrote with power and authority because he knew who he was in Christ Jesus. He knew the full gospel and how he had been set apart and redeemed to share it with the world ( Romans 1:1 ). He knew that the same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead now dwelled on the inside of him ( Romans 8:11, Ephesians 1:19-20 ). So it was a natural statement to make to this church that he expected to come in the abundant blessing of the Gospel of Christ.
In the book of Acts we have the record of what happened while Paul was in Rome. Even though he was under house arrest at this time he was able to teach the gospel freely among the Romans. "For two whole years Paul stayed there in his own rented house and welcomed all who came to see him. Boldly and without hindrance he preached the kingdom of God and taught about the Lord Jesus Christ" ( Acts 28:30-31 ). Paul shared with these believers the full measure of the blessing of Christ which comes through the gospel, which is the power of God ( Romans 1:16 ). Paul was able to walk in this blessing because he chose to do so. He did not allow others to dictate whether or not he operated in the Holy Spirit. Even in chains he was able to teach about the Kingdom of God and his word was confirmed by signs and wonders the entire time he was in Rome.
As believers this full measure of the blessing of Christ is also available to us all the time. It is not something God gives occasionally; he has already given it to us when we put our faith in Him to save us. He has given us the Holy Spirit to teach and guide us into the entire truth of Christ and to confirm the Word in our lives. The blessing of Christ is now our birthright as his children and recipients of the gospel. Like Paul we can choose to walk in this abundance at all times. Knowing God and understanding what he has provided and accomplished for us will enable us to dwell in His power continually. Imagine what our lives would be like if we fully operated in the grace we were called to. Just as Paul exclaimed, I" know that when I come to you, I will come in the full measure of the blessing of Christ", we too would be confident in our words and deeds, knowing that we bring the kingdom of God with us where ever we go.
What an amazing truth to renew our minds with. As born again believers, our confidence is in the Lord Jesus. Knowing him enables us to operate in the same boldness that the Apostle Paul operated in as he anticipated his trip to Rome. My prayer today is that you remember that the Kingdom of God lives inside you and the abundant blessing of Christ is available for you to live and operate within all the time. May you change the world around you by the power of the Holy Spirit inside you; May God's love and truth be evident in everything you do! Amen.